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Royal Mail Pre-sorted Delivery help definitions


The Royal Mail Pre-sorted Delivery product provides a number of options for customers.

Postcode Area
This is the first one or two letters of your Postcode.
Input average daily traffic volumes
Machine-readable Letters
Please enter the number of machine-readable letter items you expect to receive on a daily basis.
Non-Machine-readable Letters
Please enter the number of uncoded mail/non-mechanised letter items you expect to receive on a daily basis.
Large letters
Please enter the number Large Letters you expect to receive on a daily basis.
Please enter the number of Parcels you expect to receive on a daily basis.
Extraction Required?
If you would like to access your mail early please select this option.
Sortation Required?
Choose this option if you would like your mail presorted e.g. into separate response numbers, PO Box numbers, business departments.
Dedicated Daily Delivery Required?
If you would like a timed delivery, you can agree a mutual agreeable time e.g. between 6am - 8am.
Collection Required?
If you do not require a delivery, you can opt to collect your mail from the Mail Centre.
Number of Daily Dedicated Deliveries
Please indicate using the drop-down box the number of daily deliveries you require.
Number of Daily Collections
Please indicate using the drop-down box the number of times each day you would like to collect your mail.
Distance in miles from Mail Centre to delivery address and return to Mail Centre
Please indicate the distance from your local Mail Centre to the delivery address. Your Account Manager or the Royal Mail Centre can help you determine your local Mail Centre.
Days Service Required
Please state the days you require this service - Mon-Fri or Mon-Sat.