Mailmark barcode default postcode
From 2 January 2024, a default postcode option (XY99 1AA) is being added to the Mailmark barcode to make it easier to use Mailmark.
Currently to use the Mailmark barcode, the postcode of the recipient address must be added into the barcode. Where a postcode cannot be identified, the postcode can be populated with a default postcode (XY99 1AA) or blank spaces.
For each mailing, Royal Mail checks that each item includes an accurate postcode in the barcode and eManifest. Royal Mail operates a 10% tolerance for postcode accuracy, meaning no charges will be raised for the first 10% of mailing items that don’t include an accurate postcode.
The use of blank spaces in the barcode, an incorrect geographic postcode, an XY99 1AA Default Postcode and/ or any other characters used that don’t correctly match to the PAF postcode will all count towards the 10% tolerance.
If more than 10% of items don’t include an accurate postcode Royal Mail may raise a charge as follows:
. Where XY99 1AA is used = a Default Postcode supplementary service charge applies.
. Where blank spaces are used or an inaccurate postcode = a Postcode Accuracy adjustment charge applies.
You can combine items with an accurate postcode and those with a default postcode or blank spaces within the same mailing. For all items that have an accurately declared postcode in the barcode you must upload those items with the correct postcode in the eManifest. For items that use the Default Postcode you must upload those items with the Default Postcode in the eManifest.
To view the specification please see the Mailmark Barcode Definition document in the user guide section.